Get Involved with Give FFA Day



On Tuesday, Feb. 21 during National FFA Week, the National FFA Foundation will celebrate, “Give FFA Day,” a day-long campaign encouraging the public to support various needs impacting FFA members. Your gift on Give FFA Day will provide teacher resources, agricultural education programs, leadership workshops, individual student scholarships and official Blue Jackets that will encourage members to learn, compete, celebrate and grow through agricultural education. The work of ag advisors, teachers, parents and program managers impacts members every day. And so does your gift.

Double Your Gift

Your dollar doubled! A generous donor has pledged to match all gifts on Give FFA Day – make a gift today and double your impact!* Every gift counts, no matter the size. Together, we can provide
text-to-giveFFA Advisor resources, student scholarships, Blue Jackets for members who cannot afford their own and equip FFA to provide programs, competitions and recognition for student members at the local, state, and national levels. These four initiatives are in critical need of individual annual support. Donate here or text “Grow” to 27722 to make a $10 gift to National FFA.

Share Your Story

We are FFA proud, and we know you are too! You can help us make Give FFA Day a success by sharing your own FFA story on social media and using #FFAweek for a chance to be shared on National FFA social and digital media. Show your support by changing your profile picture here!

You can also celebrate Give FFA Day by giving a social media shout out to an ag advisor or teacher who made a difference in your life. Use #FFAWeek and a generous donor will donate $5 per shout out!*

Give FFA Day is for Alumni too!

Make a meaningful gift. Your support, along with the many other proud FFA Alumni members is a great source of encouragement for our members.

Membership in the National FFA Alumni Association is open to anyone who is interested in supporting and promoting agriculture, agricultural education and the FFA on the local, state and national level. For as little as $10 per year, you can show your support for quality education through scholarships, chapter grants and more. Become a member today.

*All gifts will be matched up to $50,000



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